• Exposition
© Karen Trash, exhibition "Toucher du bois - Touch wood", Galerie B-312, 2000.

Karen Trask's work has been shown in solo exhibitions in Edmonton (Latitude 53, 1999), Montreal (Galerie Clark, 1997), Quebec City (Engramme, 1996) and in a group exhibition held at the Bibliothèque nationale du Québec in Montreal (1999). She also participated in the Rendez-vous du cinéma québécois 2000 where she presented the videotape Mothertext.

9 septembre 2000 au 7 octobre 2000

In the gallery's small room, Karen Trask offers us a series of artist's books where a reflection on the materiality of the object and our relationship to it is developed. The language and the image are found there, but the material qualities of the supports draw and hold our attention to what gives substance to these representations. Curiously, words and images acquire an increased virtuality.
Starting from the book, this work, in its astonishing simplicity, takes us back to its vegetal origin and introduces the tree as a motif. But this tree, even if it is materially present in different forms, is also crossed by language. Conversely, language, although strongly inscribed in the material, retains all its evocative power.
Objects come to us in different appearances and imply different relationships. They are sometimes sculptures to look at and involve displacement, sometimes books to leaf through, to manipulate, to read, sometimes virtual books. This means that they summon us differently, that they do not engage our bodies in the same way. At the heart of the experience to which we are invited, there is a diversity in which our senses are engaged in multiple ways, making us experience our presence through an extended range of sensitive qualities.