Andréanne Godin | Pascale Beaudet
Deux par deux | Exposition buissonnière
Réconcilier ton absence m'était impossibe—2020
Gouache sur papier
19 x 14 cm (7,4 x 5,5 po)
I was delighted when B-312 offered me this association. I have appreciated the work of Andréanne Godin for several years and I can thus focus on her work, take the time it takes to observe it well. In an intimate format, it flirts with non-figuration and allows the mind to wander. Its contrasting colors, its shades of black and white enchant me. It takes its place among others already installed, those of Françoise Belu, Michel Daigneault and Jérôme Fortin, on the wall of my dining room devoted to works on paper. It varies my perception of others and renews my interest in them. What a great incursion into my daily life!
Pascale beaudet
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