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Carolyne Scenna


Fanzine workshops



Photo : Carolyne Scenna

Carolyne Scenna lives and works in Montreal. She holds a master's degree in visual and media arts from the University of Quebec in Montreal (2017). Her artworks have been presented at the Les Territoires gallery (2015), the Parisian Laundry (2016), the Galerie de l'UQAM (2017), the Clark Center (2019), the ICA in Baltimore in the United States (2019), at Galerie B-312 (2020), at the SKOL center in Montreal (2021) and at l'Écart in Rouyn-Noranda (2021).


In this series of workshops, the artist Carolyne Scenna made participants discover the richness of working with several techniques and materials by superposition, combining plastic and digital materiality, the purpose of which was to create a fanzine. Approaching the art of printing in a hybrid and experimental way, the participants were able to create unexpected artworks!

FAIRE–VOIR–EXPLORER To try to appropriate a way of doing and creating. To exchange with an artist in his studio.To visit exhibitions and demystify the creation. Privileged access to art. An incredible chance to confront it, to be inspired by it, to appreciate it!

After six years of collaboration, this workshop is the last to be held with members of Action Centre-Ville, an organization offering activities for people aged 60 and over. Galerie B-312 would like to highlight the adaptability that the artist Carolyne Scenna has demonstrated by holding the workshops online, in the context of the lockdown, meeting all the challenges that have arisen!

Carolyne Scenna lives and works in Montreal. She holds a master's degree in visual and media arts from the University of Quebec in Montreal (2017). Her artworks have been presented at the Les Territoires gallery (2015), the Parisian Laundry (2016), the Galerie de l'UQAM (2017), the Clark Center (2019), the ICA in Baltimore in the United States (2019), at Galerie B-312 (2020), at the SKOL center in Montreal (2021) and at l'Écart in Rouyn-Noranda (2021).