Julie Favreau
In residence at Moly-Sabata
Conversations Montréal | Lyon
Curators—Marthe Carrier and Chloé Grondeau
Conversations was initiated by curators Marthe Carrier and Chloé Grondeau and spearheaded by Galerie B-312 in Montréal. It has since become an avenue of exchange between Lyon and Montréal, with a particular emphasis on showcasing the local art scene in each city. Conversations presents a plurality of events and media in order to give artists at different stages of their careers a chance to show their work internationally. This transatlantic collaboration will have two iterations: in the spring of 2018 in Lyon and in the fall of 2018 in Montréal.- The dissemination on the international scene is an important issue for artists working in contemporary art. Through residencies, exhibitions and works presented in several places simultaneously, Conversations offers an incredible opportunity to showcase art-in-the-making within and across our borders. -Anchored in reciprocity, this project brings together several artists, curators and cultural workers around the same conversation about art. Montreal and Lyon, two territories historically linked by numerous exchanges. Conversations, a project proposing the occupation of the territory by art.
Moly-Sabata is an artist residency offering workshops and resources all year long. It is characterized by its diversity of reception arrangements, its action at the heart of a regional network of institutional partners and its initiatives favoring the production of works thanks to specific financing. Moly Sabata’s public impact is fueled by an annual exhibition while perpetuating a tradition of mediation rooted in its facilities since 1927, property of the Fondation Albert Gleizes.
The BF15 is production and dissemination association of contemporary art. It presents artistic proposals that question our contemporary world, probing the place and role of art in our society. It does not seek to defend a particular path but rather to highlight emerging approaches. It focuses on reflection, creation, artistic research and experimentation. BF15 offers committed, political, poetic glances ... It seeks to promote the different forms of current creation by privileging the singularity and the authenticity of the approaches.
Julie Favreau's practice lies at the intersection of visual arts, dance, choreography and staged. Her research on performative gesture and movement feeds the production of sculptural objects and vice versa. Through video, sculpture, performance, photography and installation, she creates characters, objects and gestures that compose enigmatic and troubling universes that navigate between the intimate and the unconscious, inspiring a heightened sensorial awareness in the viewer. In her recent projects, eroticism is approached as a form of power: the artist is interested in exploring the erotic texture of the world, the way animate and inanimate things touch and affect one another. Favreau lives and works in Montréal and Berlin. Her work has been presented at the Künstlerhaus Bethanien (Berlin, 2017); Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal and Fonderie Darling (Montréal, 2016), Edinburg Art Festival (2015), Centre Clark (Montréal, 2012) and Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal (2011). She is the recipient of the Pierre-Ayot Award (2014) and Claudine and Stephen Bronfman Fellowship in Contemporary Art (2012).
Conversations. Montréal | Lyon was made possible thanks to the Canada Arts Council, the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, the Conseil des arts de Montréal and the ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie du Québec / Fonds Émérillon de coopération franco-québécoise and the l'Institut français / Ville de Lyon.
Julie Favreau
La BF15 Espace d'art contemporain - Lyon
Moly-Sabata Résidence d'artistes - Sablons

Conversations was initiated by curators Marthe Carrier and Chloé Grondeau and spearheaded by Galerie B-312 in Montréal. It has since become an avenue of exchange between Lyon and Montréal, with a particular emphasis on showcasing the local art scene in each city. Conversations presents a plurality of events and media in order to give artists at different stages of their careers a chance to show their work internationally. This transatlantic collaboration will have two iterations: in the spring of 2018 in Lyon and in the fall of 2018 in Montréal.- The dissemination on the international scene is an important issue for artists working in contemporary art. Through residencies, exhibitions and works presented in several places simultaneously, Conversations offers an incredible opportunity to showcase art-in-the-making within and across our borders. -Anchored in reciprocity, this project brings together several artists, curators and cultural workers around the same conversation about art. Montreal and Lyon, two territories historically linked by numerous exchanges. Conversations, a project proposing the occupation of the territory by art.
Moly-Sabata is an artist residency offering workshops and resources all year long. It is characterized by its diversity of reception arrangements, its action at the heart of a regional network of institutional partners and its initiatives favoring the production of works thanks to specific financing. Moly Sabata’s public impact is fueled by an annual exhibition while perpetuating a tradition of mediation rooted in its facilities since 1927, property of the Fondation Albert Gleizes.
The BF15 is production and dissemination association of contemporary art. It presents artistic proposals that question our contemporary world, probing the place and role of art in our society. It does not seek to defend a particular path but rather to highlight emerging approaches. It focuses on reflection, creation, artistic research and experimentation. BF15 offers committed, political, poetic glances ... It seeks to promote the different forms of current creation by privileging the singularity and the authenticity of the approaches.