A review about the exhibition of Maude Arès and Massimo Gurrera
Esse | Julie Faubert
Couverture médiatique
©Maude Arès and Massimo Guerrera, detail of the exhibition— Photo credit : Guy L’Heureux
Julie Faubert writes a review in the Esse magazine on the exhibition États fluids : entre la dureté du faire et la délicatesse des fards à joue, by Maude Arès and Massimo Guerrera:
“A small group forms near the large windows of the gallery. The artists are seated on blankets that cover mattresses placed on the floor. One reaches out into the void that still separates their bodies. The other then embraces it with his own hand, half taken, half touched. She now presses a little clay at the base of the V formed by two of his fingers. He does the same with his own. And is built between....”
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