• Exhibition
© Kevin deForest, exhibition "Peintures", Galerie B-312, 1993.

Kevin deForest was born in Winnipeg where he completed his first Honours Bachelor's degree in Environmental Design in 1983 and a second in Fine Arts in 1986. Since 1991, he has held a Master of Fine Arts degree from Concrodia University. He was artist-in-residence in Holland from 1989 to 1991, and at the Banff Centre School of Fine Arts from 1986 to 1987. His most recent solo exhibitions were presented in 1992 in Winnipeg and Amhem, the Netherlands.

9 January 1993 to 30 January 1993

The visual language of Kevin deForest's paintings builds an atmosphere of historical fiction, ambiguity, and both cultural and personal memories. The viewer finds himself entering a familiar world of cultural constructions, such as modern architectural forms. In allusion to a historical museum presentation, the emphasis is on the institutional structure.